Glisten - significado y definición. Qué es Glisten
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Qué (quién) es Glisten - definición

(glistens, glistening, glistened)
If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily.
The calm sea glistened in the sunlight...
Darcy's face was white and glistening with sweat.
VERB: V, V with n
¦ verb (of something wet or greasy) shine or sparkle.
¦ noun a sparkling light reflected from something wet.
OE glisnian, of Gmc origin.
v. n.; (also glister)
Sparkle, glitter, shine fitfully. See glance.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Glisten
1. glisten, glitter, glow.
The Art of Language Invention _ David Peterson _ Talks at Google
2. they kind of glisten, and you swear that they're moving.
Broadway's King Kong _ Talks at Google
3. threw some rock into the fire, it started to glisten and glow.
The Making of America by England's Merchant _ John Butman _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Glisten
1. Medals glisten on his chest and his white gloves are spotless.
2. Then there is the view –– in the distance, the blue waters of Tokyo Bay glisten.
3. It‘s a hideous mistake." All across these remote islands, strips of silver glisten in the sun.
4. In front of him are eight mother–of–pearl spoons, each piled high with roe that glisten like dark jewels.
5. "White Christmas" is an achingly nostalgic ballad, evoking a rural America where treetops glisten and sleigh bells ring.